How to Save Recipient Details
Save recipients in your business banking account to improve accuracy and streamline future transactions.

This guide will show you how to easily save recipients’ details for future transfers, saving you time and effort. To get started, follow the 6 steps below.

Step 1: Go to your DashboardFirst, go to your dashboard and click “Send money.”


Step 2: Select “New Recipient”To set up a new recipient, you’ll need to go through the process of sending them money. To do this, click “New recipient”.


Step 3: Add Recipient DetailsThen, add the recipient's currency, transfer type, name, and IBAN.


To save the recipient’s details, tick “Trust this recipient”. This will also mean you won’t need to enter a verification code (up to certain transfer amounts) each time you send money to this recipient. Then click “Confirm”.


Step 4: Add Transfer AmountAdd the amount you want to transfer, along with the payment reference. Then click “Confirm”.


Step 5: Two-Factor AuthenticationWe’ll then ask you to do a one-time two-factor authentication which will be sent to your registered phone number. Please key it into the highlighted box, then click confirm.


Step 6: Success!This recipient will now be saved for future transfers.
