List of Approved Phone numbers for the SMS verification
Securing your business banking information is our top priority at Narvi. For your convenience, we have compiled a list of approved phone numbers to use for SMS verification.

At Narvi, we take the security of our customers' accounts very seriously and have carefully curated the countries from which we enable SMS verification. Please note that some countries may not be enabled due to sanctions lists or security reasons such as hacking and SMS attacks. If your country's number is not listed, we recommend using a number from an approved country and then switching to Google Authenticator.

- +355 - Albania
- +376 - Andorra
- +43 - Austria
- +32 - Belgium
- +387 - Bosnia and Herzegovina
- +359 - Bulgaria
- +385 - Croatia
- +357 - Cyprus
- +420 - Czech Rep.
- +45 - Denmark
- +372 - Estonia
- +298 - Faroe Islands
- +358 - Finland
- +33 - France
- +49 - Germany
- +350 - Gibraltar
- +30 - Greece
- +36 - Hungary
- +354 - Iceland
- +353 - Ireland
- +39 - Italy
- +383 - Kosovo
- +371 - Latvia
- +423 - Liechtenstein
- +370 - Lithuania
- +352 - Luxembourg
- +356 - Malta
- +373 - Moldova (Republic of)
- +377 - Monaco
- +382 - Montenegro
- +31 - Netherlands
- +47 - Norway
- +48 - Poland
- +351 - Portugal
- +389 - Republic of Macedonia
- +40 - Romania
- +378 - San Marino
- +381 - Serbia
- +421 - Slovakia
- +386 - Slovenia
- +34 - Spain
- +46 - Sweden
- +41 - Switzerland
- +380 - Ukraine
- +44 - United Kingdom
- +3491 - Canary Islands

North America
- +297 - Aruba
- +1242 - Bahamas
- +1246 - Barbados
- +501 - Belize
- +1441 - Bermuda
- +1 - United States
- +1 - Canada
- +599 - Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba, Curacao and Caribbean Netherlands
- +1767 - Dominica
- +1473 - Grenada
- +590 - Guadeloupe
- +502 - Guatemala
- +1876 - Jamaica
- +596 - Martinique
- +1869 - Saint Kitts and Nevis
- +1758 - St. Lucia
- +1784 - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
- +1868 - Trinidad and Tobago
- +1649 - Turks and Caicos Islands
- +1345 - Cayman Islands

- +994 - Azerbaijan
- +973 - Bahrain
- +86 - China
- +995 - Georgia
- +852 - Hong Kong, China
- +91 - India
- +972 - Israel
- +81 - Japan
- +960 - Maldives
- +65 - Singapore
- +971 - United Arab Emirates
- +82 - Korea (Rep. of)
- +90 - Turkey
- +965 - Kuwait
- +966 - Saudi Arabia
- +973 - Bahrain

Africa, South America, Oceania
- +27 - South Africa
- +254 - Kenya
- +55 - Brazil
- +500 - Falkland Islands (Malvinas)
- +61 - Australia
- +64 - New Zealand